Publicado el 21-09-2011 / Edición Nº 15


 Ver Datos del Autor Badreya Al-Jenaibi

Dr. Badreya Al-Jenaibi is Assistant Professor in Mass Communication at the United Arab Emirates University. She has a Ph.D. in International Communication and Public Relations (August 2008) from the University of North Dakota in the USA. Her MA (2004) was in Mass Communication is from the University of Northern Iowa in the USA. Her BA (2001) was in Mass Communication from the University of the United Arab Emirates. Her research interests include International Communication, Public relations, organizational communication , the uses and effects of mass media, new media, particularly the international level, as well as public relations and communication. Her doctoral dissertation was bout Press freedom in the Arab world. She is the author of The Role of the Public and Employee Relations Department in Increasing Social Support in the Diverse Workplaces of the United Arab Emirates, Cross-cultural Communication Journal, 7(3), 2011, Gender Issues in the Diversity and Practice of Public Relations in the UAE-Case study of P.R. male managers and female P.R. practitioners, International Journal of E-Politics, 2(3), The Competition between Al-Jazeera’s Arab News Diversity and US Channels: Content Analysis of Iraq War. Journal of Social Science, 6(4). Job Satisfaction: Comparisons Among Diverse Public Organizations in the UAE for possible publication. Management Science and Engineering Journal, 5(2), 2011. Arabic news channels: Al-Jazeera. New age of Press Democracy in the Middle East, International Journal of Academic Research-IJAR, 2(4), Public Relation Practitioners, Independency, and Teamwork in the UAE Organizations, Book chapter accepted for publication in Handbook of Research on Business Social Networking: Organizational, Managerial and Technological Dimensions Edited by Marie, M., Patricia, G., Nuno L., Marie, M. & Goran, P., Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd 2011, Women in Public Relations and Profit Organizations: How Gender Influences Practice, Book chapter in Global Knowledge Work: Diversity and Relational Perspectives, Edited by Katerina, N., Mine, K., Ahu,T., & John T., IGI, Pennsylvania, USA

Dr. Badreya Al-Jenaibi Assistant professor
Mass Communication Program
United Arab Emirates University
PO Box 17771 Al-Ain
Fax: 00971-37671706
Office: 037134708

Filiación: Arab Emirates University
 Obras Publicadas en esta Revista

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ISSN 1668-5024

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