Publicado el 02-05-2018 / Edición Nº 27 / Año XIV


por Fernández, Omar Daniel
Facultad de Psicologóa, Universidad de Buenos Aires/ Universidad de la Defensa Nacional (UNDEF)
HOLOGRAMATICA - Facultad de Ciencias Sociales UNLZ
Año XIV, Número 27, V27, pp.11-33
ISSN 1668-5024
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Abric (2005) postula el enfoque estructural de las representaciones sociales (RS), entendiendo que una representación es construida por un conjunto de creencias, informaciones y actitudes sobre un objeto social. La organización de una RS se forma alrededor de un núcleo central, constituyéndose en uno o más elementos que dan significado a la representación.
El objetivo general de este estudio es indagar la estructura representacional a través de la mención de personajes de la historia nacional que hacen estudiantes militares del Ejército, la Armada y la Escuela Naval. Asimismo, se propuso explorar en diferencias en función de la fuerza de pertenencia.
Se trata de un estudio descriptivo de diferencias entre grupos, de diseño no experimental transversal, con población militar argentina (901 cadetes). Se utilizó un cuestionario auto-administrado- versión modificada del cuestionario diseñado por Liu et al. (2005)-, cuya aplicación fue colectiva, anónima y voluntaria. Para el análisis de los datos, se recurrió al enfoque estructural de las RS (Abric, 2005, 2001) y el tratamiento de los datos se realizó con el software “Evoc” (Vergés, 1994) organizando las evocaciones en base a jerarquías entendidas como frecuencia y orden de la evocación.
La literatura precedente da cuenta de algunas tendencias que se ratifican a la hora de recordar a los personajes significativos de la historia. Una de ellas es el denominado sesgo bélico que postula que los hechos relevantes de la historia son los que tienen a la violencia como fenómeno central, y cuyo resultado es el recordar como eventos significativos las guerras y sus fenómenos asociados.
Los resultados muestran que el hecho de ser militar influye el proceso de recuerdo  ya que hay una elevada cantidad de personajes evocados, que bajo un rol militar, tuvieron una función destacada en algún tipo de conflicto bélico. De esta manera, además del sesgo bélico la pertenencia al colectivo militar acentúa el recuerdo de personajes ligados a situaciones y enfrentamientos vinculados a esta temática.
PALABRAS CLAVE: Historia argentina - representaciones sociales - estudiantes - militares.
Abric (2005) postulated the structural approach within the central core theory of the SR, understanding that a representation is constructed by a set of beliefs, information, opinions and attitudes about a particular social object. These elements are organized, structured, and constitute a system specific cartoons.  The structural approach considers that the organization of a social representation is a specific feature, and is to organized around a central core, becoming in one or more elements that give meaning to the representation.
The overall objective of this study is to investigate the representational structure of the characters of national history.  Also arises to explore whether there are differences in the reprensentacional structure on the basis of the force to which students belong (Army, Navy, Air Force).
It is a descriptive study of differences between groups, of transverse non-experimental design, with argentine military population corresponding to students in military training of officers of the three forces (901 cadets). It was used a self-administered questionnaire, which is a modified version of the questionnaire designed by Liu et al. (2005), whose application was voluntary, anonymous and collective. To the analysis, the structural approach of the theory of the central core of the SR (Abric, 2005, 2001) was used, and the processing of the data was performed with the software "Evoc" (Vergés, 1994) organizing the evocations based on hierarchies understood as frequency and order of the evocation.
The findings of this study allow to arrive at conclusions that are structured according to the findings of previous studies on collective memory and history RS.
The preceding literature gives an account of some trends that are ratified at the time remember the significant characters of the story. One of them is the so-called war slant which postulates that the relevant facts of history are those with violence as a central phenomenon, and the result is remembering significant events as wars and their associated events.
It can be seen that the fact of being so determines the process of memory (that it is individual), is influenced by the membership. This study holds that there are a high number of evocations related to armed confrontations and with its characters, which under military role, had a leading role in some kind of war. In this way, in addition to military bias as a trend in itself explanatory of this phenomenon, there is a belonging to collective military that accentuates the memory of characters linked to situations and confrontations linked to this theme as for example Belgrano, Rosas or Sarmiento.
Analyzing the membership of a Force, and comparing the data between the three institutes, there are expected differences, which would account for the third hypothesis of the model, since belonging to each of the forces would be an organizing principle that shapes the SR.
Following the three-phase model of the RS, the first hypothesis would be represented at the congruence of emergence of various characters (for example in the central core: Belgrano, Rosas and Sarmiento). The military field where the participants are inserts becomes relevant to this social group at the time to perceive and interpret reality, doing outgoing social identity: being military

ISSN 1668-5024
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Hologramática es una Publicación Académica con referato de la Facultad de Ciencias Sociales de la UNLZ - Juan XXIII y Ruta 4 (1832) Lomas de Zamora
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ISSN 1668-5024

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